
Killer Whale Extermination, LLC


Killer Whale Extermination, llc is a business in The Adobe Skyscraper that specializes in the extermination of evil and deviant killer whales. Each year in the springtime, the heavy monsoon rains in the Wilderness Valley west of Multiple Mountain will cause the Uluwehi River to flood slightly. This is no problem for the city of Adobe Skyscraper—they experience a few extra hundred feet of Lovely Lake. The problem is that the Panda River will swell up out of its usual dry creek bed state. The Panda River runs from the slopes of Multiple Mountain down into the valley, but when the monsoons make it swell, it can reach all the way to the coast. This allows killer whales to gain entry to the interior of the continent, where they plow upstream looking for easy meals like cows quenching themselves or beach people having fun.

The business was started by Jackie Cheshire in 1945, after a particularly bad killer whale year. The business is currently run by Ed Del Santo.