Ray Wister (born Raymond Hannible Avondale Wister) is the Producer and main talent scout at F.C. Telco. He is also in charge of booking and can often be found staying up late through the night in the Mails & Distributions Department of The Adobe Skyscraper, sending out letters and packages.
Before working in the studio, Ray was a support operator and occasional on-call emergency technician. He was commended with a paper certificate in 1987 for being the “unhealthiest person in the room.”
In 1988, after a lightning storm knocked down many of the telephone poles across the city, the support office became swamped with phone calls from angry customers. He famously shut down support operations within a day so he didn't have to deal with what he called “all that.” He is well known for having transformed the entire support office into a recording studio, F. C. Telco, which he sold to Lmo Kodak in 1990.
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