
Joe Pasteroni

Joe Pasteroni
Fig. 1

Joe Pasteroni works odd jobs for Mr. Capestrano. He’s generally a ne’er-do-well who has a knack for screwing up simple tasks with disastrous consequences. Some of his more notorious blunders involve accidentally setting fire to Mr. Capestrano’s body double workshop with a cigarette and consequently burning out the original Neon Parrot Lounge on the second floor, in addition to accidentally sending the attack dog squad to the Neon Parrot Lounge instead of the cereal hounds as requested. Joe also has a compulsion to ram into people’s property with his car, a maroon 1974 San Joseco. He will go to lengths to find the owner so that he can tell them "gotcha."

Despite his numerous mistakes, he has remained in the good graces of Mr. Capestrano, most likely because he essentially works for free. For Joe, being a sort of lower level henchman is like a hobby, and he was performing henchman-like tasks for no one in particular when Mr. Capestrano decided to hire him. He originally worked as a wrangler, tying up tourists who strayed too far on tours of Mr. Capestrano’s cereal plantations and shaking them down for spare change.

Joe was convicted of negligence in the Neon Parrot Lounge massacre of 1992 when he released the attack dogs into the burnt-out remains of the lounge instead of sending up the cereal hounds. As punishment, he was required to visit various groups of the public and give service announcements about dog safety:

When dogs you see in groups of five, run away and stay alive.

He also plays piano in the jazz trio Timmons, Pasteroni & Krantz.