Dean “Couch Man” Ramos is the unofficial guide to The Adobe Skyscraper. He is not actually employed by the Skyscraper, but he has lived in the lobby for over 20 years. He always wears a suit. He is frequently found sleeping sitting up on one of the lobby sofas, which is why he is known as "The Couch Man." Dean is also known to be an avid potato chip enthusiast. His diet consists primarily of various brands of chips sourced from the 12 foot tall vending machine in the skyscraper's lobby. He is insistent that the chips he consumes be made from 100% potato or potato-filling. There is a photocopied message taped to the back of the vending machine which is presumed to have been written by Mr. Ramos with the following content:
Not corn, nor maize, but chips from potato only, and from potatoes simply.