The “Pedagogical 28” is a group of the most highly respected universities, trade schools, colleges, research centers, and institutes of higher learning in Wonderful Land. Each participating organization pays an annual fee and is allowed to use the official seal on their marketing materials. Organizations are reviewed every 28 months by the P28 Board of Entry. Some notable organization include Librari University, Monorail City University, and the Scrines Aging Institute.
Voting Process
The Board of Entry reviews membership every 28 months and votes on organizations to either include or exclude. In an effort to retain anonymity in voting, board members are depersonalized by way of having duffle bags zipped on their heads. They then run around the room in a wild fashion in order to randomize the order in which they vote. The board members who are still conscious after this activity then call out names of schools which they deem worthy of joining the club, at which point the other members vote “Yaye” or “Nonne.” The members are required to vote using a different voice other than their own in order to retain anonymity. Some members have even developed the ability to throw their voices to make the vote appear to come from a different part of the room. That's how serious.