
Monks of Amiray​


The Monks of Amiray, or “Vagus Socordia” (lit. Slothful Wanderer), are a faction of cave-dwelling Roman Catholic ascetics who live near the infamous Devil's Cupboard Black Diamond Ski Slope on Gorami Mountain. The term “Monk” here is a misnomer; the aspirants are technically friars due to their frequent outings upon the slope to visit fallen and injured skiers. Although often portrayed as healers in paintings sold to tourists, the Monks (friars) of Amiray do not actually resuscitate injured skiers; instead they squeeze a brandy-soaked rag into their mouths while chanting A Mi Re, oftentimes following up by making an offering of potato chips, Prairie Jam, and cola before leaving the victim in the cold.


Although there is little historical record of the Monks of Amiray in Roman Catholic historical documents, scholars tend to agree that frequent references to “The Order of Diddlers” in Carmelite texts from 1386—1452 suggest that the Amiray sect originated around that time.


The last of the true Amiray Order still speak in the Monkish tongue.