The Modal Desert is a region in Wonderful Land that has become famous as the home base for supercomputer Mox Proximus's power nodes, but was for many thousands of years the seat of power for the Vaz Chapa civilization.
A loose collective that referred to itself as the Modal Collection had officially formed between the various landholding entities in the Modal Desert region of Del Daurin in 1846. This essentially constituted a trade organization, which would also occasionally cooperate on building some grand project like a road. Del Daurin Greater, which had recently annexed Mosz as the 4th (or 5th) state, was interested in the Modal Desert region for possible statehood, in no small part because of the tombs of Vaz Chapa, which are an impressive sight and good for marketing purposes. However, due to concerns that remaining members of the Vaz Chapa civilization would still be living somewhere in the land and would not agree to becoming a state of Del Daurin Greater, this process was delayed many years. After a 30+ year investigation, it was determined that no one considered themselves Vaz Chapas, and that it would be appropriate to offer the Modal Collection the opportunity to become a state.