
Geap Fireshow


The Geap Fireshow is a live family entertainment show put on twice daily at the quadrennial Fair of the Universe. The show consists of tightly choreographed maneuvers performed by Geaps across a special astroturf'd auto court. The vehicles, painted in bright colors, move synchronously through hoops of fire, arcs of flame, blazing pillars, and troughs of white hot coals. Interleaving the obstacles is the Lazy Aqueduct, a man-made river dyed green to cool the wheels of the Geaps after especially dangerous stunts. Other stunts include:

  • Geap Pyramid
  • Take Me to the Moon Geap
  • Geap Explosion

The Jon Paul Jones School of Water and Music Boys' Choir provides chamber music to accompany the show. The official beverage is the Pineapple Flip.

When can I see a fireshow?

There are two full fireshows per day, seven days a week, introducing and finishing up the Nighttime Spectacular series at 6pm and midnight. A 15 minute sample of the show can be seen around 5am during the Rise & Dine & Shine Show.