You may find yourself, from time to time, wondering aloud, “What is Akabius, really?” Well, if you were to look in the Mudazzis dictionary under the term "Akabius", you would find the following:
Akabius (ă kā’ bē ŭs) noun 1 An inhabited planet. 2 See 'The World.'
Now, this is a map of the World, as it would look if you rolled it out flat like a piece of colorful butcher paper:
This map is actually a composite of millions of tiny photographs taken from a weather balloon high up in the atmosphere. Not a bad looking planet! But, of course, Akabius is more than a planet—it’s where we all live. Some of us consider it our home. Some of us don’t even call it Akabius!
One thing we can agree on is that THIS IS THE WORLD. 3/5th water, 2/5th land, 1 billion people. And lots of history. There are eight continents on the World. There are no ice caps; they melted a long time ago.
- The largest continent by landmass is Entara (A). There were several renowned wars that were fought there. There are several renowned universities there today.
- The next largest by landmass is called Vlakanland (B) (or Antorionigh, depending on whom you ask). It is famous for its gigantic saline lake, which has its own unique ecosystem.
- To the north lies Bazzis (C), the largest of the three islander continents. It is a popular place for dinosaur enthusiasts.
- Sornashadah (D) is the third largest continent by landmass. It has a bad reputation.
- Erath (E) is another islander continent that is considered to be the cradle of humankind. It is also called the Desert of Death by cynical people.
- Mudazzis (F) is the tiniest continent. These days it is known for its extensive black market.
- Del Daurin (G) is the fourth-largest continent by landmass. I’ll tell you more about it later.
- Terra Kolashia (H) is very cold.
All in all, Akabius is not so different from other planets just like it. There are thousands of unique cultures and social conventions here, but we’ll discuss that more when I feel like it. As planets go, it’s a pretty civilized place: they’ve been to space, they’ve got roads, they’ve had worldwide conflict; the standard stuff.
But, like any large collective, what makes this place special is the people.