


GEAP is an acronym for “General Enhanced Action Product. The first Geap was invented in 1889 and was a platform with four wheels that was essentially the forerunner to the modern automobile. Although GEAP Corp. officially enunciates each of the letters in their brand (G-E-A-P), it is standard in common parlance to pronounce the acronym as a single word, i.e. “Geap.”

Geaps in popular culture

King James is rumored to have enjoyed the pleasure of making out in a Geap. Given the approximate time frame of when he lived, it is unlikely that he would have done so in anything newer than a Geap Grand Bingo.

The Geap Fireshow is a popular destination for families attending the quadrennial Fair of the Universe in Sohndu Bay, “The Greatest Geap Show of Them All.”