Scorpion Pond '89
Listening Device:
- # Descriptor Time
- 1 What is an Idea
- 2 This Evening’s Show
- 3 Lost Cruzes
- 4 Timothy Grass
- 5 Weird Sky, Inc.
- 6 Morning Map
- 7 i. Rough Seas
- 8 ii. Three Types of Trees
- 9 iii. Variety
- 10 iv. Why do Things Persist? (Why do I exist?)
- 11 v. Jewelloid
- 12 vi. Creature of the Dunes
- 13 Morning Map
- 14 Robotripping
- 15 Volcano
- 16 Then the Giant Exploded...
- 17 Dead Man on Campus
- 18 Dead Animal Collection
- 19 You Might be Dead
- 20 Life of Six